I am a Senior Researcher at Inria (National research center in digital science) and the head of the Inria-Inserm Idesp (Inserm – Um)  (National research center in health) team PreMeDICaL (precision medicine by data integration and causal learning) and responsible of the Causal and Missing Data group at Inria.
News: see also PreMeDICaL’s news.
– My PhD student Margaux Zaffran received the l’Oreal Unesco Young talent prize!! This is my 2nd PhD student receiving this prize!
Team retreat: before launching the clinical trial to assess the decision support tool Traumatrix, we tested the models a last time with clinicians. Video to present Traumatrix. Statitical challenges slides. Presentation of the project slides.
– Talk on causal measures and transportability, NIH Biostatistics National Cancer Institute (slides)
Video at Online Causal Inference  Seminar on leveraging incomplete RCT and observational data
– Missing values: EPFL 2023, AutoML2022 ICML slides, video. A  missing values tour:  2022 slides les diableret PhD school, 2019 useR slides, 2019 video (start at 30′)
– Researchers/Interns/Phd/Postdoc/Engineers positions. Contact me.

Project TrauMatrix decision tool for intensive Care. Consortium Capgemini Invent, Traumabase, EHESS, CNRS, Ecole Polytechnique, Inria
– ICUBAM Development of an app for Bed Allocation Monitoring  during COVID-19 Fork. slides.
–  R-mis-static website [paper], with missing values ressources (lecture, workflows, tutorials, etc.), Contribute!
Causal Inference Taskview to organize R packages, Contribute!
Rforwards dedicated to widen the participation of the minorities in communities.

julie.josse[at]inria.fr   – Office, 231,  INRIA Montpellier.

My main research fields are: missing values (EM algorithms, imputation, supervised learning), causal inference (treatment effect estimation, combining RCT and observational data; survival analysis, policy learning),  visualization with dimensionality reduction (PCA, correspondence analysis, questionnaire analyses, multi­-blocks data), low rank matrix estimation. Main application in  bio-sciences and health. Short CVDetailed CV