
I was teaching at Polytechnique for the 3A, in the Master Data Sciences for Business (I was in charge of) and in the Master Data Sciences.

Lecture on multivariate exploratory data analysis, PCA, CA, MCA, MultiTable data:
François Husson playlist on youtube (lecture, lab with R + MOOC) + FactoShiny
older: Correspondence Analysis, multiple correspondence analysis, multi-block methods

Reference book: Elements of statistical learning

Some tutorials. For recent tutorials on missing values see the Rmistatic plateform.

2021Short intro on causal inferenceGoogle Brainslides
2021Causal inference for observational clinical dataAI4Healthslides
Lab, ATE
Lab, HTE
2016-2017Missing values imputationuseR!2016, Stanford
Gdr Ecology stat, Lyon
INRIA, saclay
Ozone data
2015Handling missing values with a special focus on the use of principal component methods. (3h).useR! 2015, the R useR conference, Aalborg, Denmark
2014Lecture on dealing with missing values. (3h)Stanford University, CA, USA[slides] [ozone data]
[ecological data]
2011Panorama sur les méthodes d'analyse exploratoire des données. (3h)Journées de l'Ecole Doctorale Pierre Louis de Santé Publique : Epidémiologie et Sciences de l'Information Biomédicale. St Malo, France[slides, data]