
Her first employment was in the statistics department of an Agronomy University (Agrocampus Ouest) where she was trained to « the French data analysis school » and had the opportunity to work closely with researchers from various departments and increases her interest in transversal studies. In the meantime, she prepared her PhD which was defended in 2010 and rewarded by the French Statistical Society as the best PhD in applied statistics. She has specialized in missing data, visualization and the nonparametric analyses of complex data structures. Her work was rewarded by a Marie Curie European Union grant in 2013 to increase her research potential and to spend a year and a half at Stanford University. She spent a year as a researcher in INRIA before joining Ecole Polytechnique in 2016 as a Professor of Statistics. At Polytechnique, she was responsible of a Master in data-sciences for business in collaboration with HEC business school. She was a part-time visiting researcher at Google Brain Paris, for a year in 2019. In September 2020, she joined Inria as a senior researcher and created in 2022 an inria-Inserm Premedical team in data-science for health composed of clinicians and researchers in statistics, machine learning. She has published over 60 articles and written 3 books in applied statistics.  Her experience on dealing with incomplete data is recognized by the community: she organized workshops, the MissData conference, created the Rmistatic website and she is often invited to give lectures to share her experience. Her vocation is to push methodological innovation to bring useful application of her research to the user in particular in bio-sciences and health. Her current research focuses on causal inferences techniques for personalized medicine. She leads a project with the Traumabase group dedicated to the management of polytraumatized patients to help emergency doctors taking decisions. Julie Josse is dedicated to reproducible research with the R statistical software: she has developed packages including FactoMineR, denoiseR, missMDA to transfer her work, she is a member of the R foundation and of Rforwards to increase the participation of minorities in the community.

Perso: I grew up in Africa and French Polynesia. Then I arrived in Brittany a magnificent French region and I had the chance to discover Paris and now the south of France.  I am passionate about statistics but also about travelling (when I was younger on horseback) around the world. I am also fascinated by nature and science (fan of, wildlife photographer of the year). I have a particular interest in humanitarian issues and my long-term goal is to use more of my skills for these purposes.

Interview in Academie des technologies (French, English) – Interview in MontpellierInterview in medium.