Regression with NA (quantitative)

First of all you will need to install the following packages


Description of the ozone data analysis.

Air pollution is currently one of the most serious public health worries worldwide. Many epidemiological studies have proved the influence that some chemical compounds, such as sulphur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), ozone (O3) can have on our health. Associations set up to monitor air quality are active all over the world to measure the concentration of these pollutants. They also keep a record of meteorological conditions such as temperature, cloud cover, wind, etc.

We have at our disposal 112 observations collected during the summer of 2001 in Rennes. The variables available are

  • maxO3 (maximum daily ozone)
  • maxO3v (maximum daily ozone the previous day)
  • T12 (temperature at midday)
  • T9
  • T15 (Temp at 3pm)
  • Vx12 (projection of the wind speed vector on the east-west axis at midday)
  • Vx9 and Vx15 as well as the Nebulosity (cloud) Ne9, Ne12, Ne15

Here the final aim is to analyse the relationship between the maximum daily ozone (maxO3) level and the other meteorological variables. To do so we will perform regression to explain maxO3 in function of all the other variables. This data is incomplete (there are missing values). Indeed, it occurs frenquently to have machines that fail one day, leading to some information not recorded. We will therefore perform regression with missing values via multiple imputation.

  • Importation of the data.
ozo <- read.table("ozoneNA.csv", header = TRUE,
sep=",", row.names = 1)
WindDirection <- ozo[, 12]
don <- ozo[, 1:11]   #### keep the continuous variables
##      maxO3              T9             T12             T15       
##  Min.   : 42.00   Min.   :11.30   Min.   :14.30   Min.   :14.90  
##  1st Qu.: 71.00   1st Qu.:16.00   1st Qu.:18.60   1st Qu.:18.90  
##  Median : 81.50   Median :17.70   Median :20.40   Median :21.40  
##  Mean   : 91.24   Mean   :18.22   Mean   :21.46   Mean   :22.41  
##  3rd Qu.:108.25   3rd Qu.:19.90   3rd Qu.:23.60   3rd Qu.:25.65  
##  Max.   :166.00   Max.   :25.30   Max.   :33.50   Max.   :35.50  
##  NA's   :16       NA's   :37      NA's   :33      NA's   :37     
##       Ne9             Ne12            Ne15           Vx9         
##  Min.   :0.000   Min.   :0.000   Min.   :0.00   Min.   :-7.8785  
##  1st Qu.:3.000   1st Qu.:4.000   1st Qu.:3.00   1st Qu.:-3.0000  
##  Median :5.000   Median :5.000   Median :5.00   Median :-0.8671  
##  Mean   :4.987   Mean   :4.986   Mean   :4.60   Mean   :-1.0958  
##  3rd Qu.:7.000   3rd Qu.:7.000   3rd Qu.:6.25   3rd Qu.: 0.6919  
##  Max.   :8.000   Max.   :8.000   Max.   :8.00   Max.   : 5.1962  
##  NA's   :34      NA's   :42      NA's   :32     NA's   :18       
##       Vx12              Vx15            maxO3v      
##  Min.   :-7.8785   Min.   :-9.000   Min.   : 42.00  
##  1st Qu.:-3.6941   1st Qu.:-3.759   1st Qu.: 70.00  
##  Median :-1.9284   Median :-1.710   Median : 82.50  
##  Mean   :-1.6853   Mean   :-1.830   Mean   : 89.39  
##  3rd Qu.:-0.1302   3rd Qu.: 0.000   3rd Qu.:101.00  
##  Max.   : 6.5778   Max.   : 3.830   Max.   :166.00  
##  NA's   :10        NA's   :21       NA's   :12
##          maxO3   T9  T12  T15 Ne9 Ne12 Ne15     Vx9    Vx12    Vx15 maxO3v
## 20010601    87 15.6 18.5   NA   4    4    8  0.6946 -1.7101 -0.6946     84
## 20010602    82   NA   NA   NA   5    5    7 -4.3301 -4.0000 -3.0000     87
## 20010603    92 15.3 17.6 19.5   2   NA   NA  2.9544      NA  0.5209     82
## 20010604   114 16.2 19.7   NA   1    1    0      NA  0.3473 -0.1736     92
## 20010605    94   NA 20.5 20.4  NA   NA   NA -0.5000 -2.9544 -4.3301    114
## 20010606    80 17.7 19.8 18.3   6   NA    7 -5.6382 -5.0000 -6.0000     94
## [1] 112  11
  • Load the libraries.

Descriptive statistics with missing values

Q1 When could it be a good idea to delete rows or columns with missing values to work with a complete data set? Could you do it here?

## [1] 13 11

Deleting rows or columns is possible as long as there is enough data left and the missing values are of the MCAR type so that the sample is a subsample of the original data. We will obtain unbiased estimators but with more variance. Deleting observations with missing data for ozone data leads to a table with 13 rows.

First, we perfom some descriptive statistics (how many missing? how many variables, individuals with missing?) and try to inspect and vizualize the pattern of missing entries and get hints on the mechanism. For this purpose, we use the R package VIM (Visualization and Imputation of Missing Values - Mathias Templ) as well as Multiple Correspondence Analysis (FactoMineR package). You should install the package VIM, then you can check the documentation by executing


The other package that can be used is the package naniar developped by Nick Tierney’s and which is based on ggplot. We will detail this package in a future version of the handout.


The function VIM aggr calculates and represents the number of missing entries in each variable and for certain combinations of variables (which tend to be missing simultaneously).

res<-summary(aggr(don, sortVar=TRUE))$combinations

##  Variables sorted by number of missings: 
##  Variable      Count
##      Ne12 0.37500000
##        T9 0.33035714
##       T15 0.33035714
##       Ne9 0.30357143
##       T12 0.29464286
##      Ne15 0.28571429
##      Vx15 0.18750000
##       Vx9 0.16071429
##     maxO3 0.14285714
##    maxO3v 0.10714286
##      Vx12 0.08928571
##             Combinations Count   Percent
## 1  0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0    13 11.607143
## 45 0:1:1:1:0:0:0:0:0:0:0     7  6.250000
## 10 0:0:0:0:0:1:0:0:0:0:0     5  4.464286
## 35 0:1:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0     4  3.571429
## 41 0:1:0:0:1:1:1:0:0:0:0     3  2.678571
## 28 0:0:1:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0     3  2.678571

We can see that the combination which is the most frequent is the one where all the variables are observed (13 values). Then, the second one is the one where T9, T12 and T15 are simultaneously missing (7 rows) (1 is missing, 0 is observed - there is a 1 for the second, third and fourth variables). The graph on the right panel represents the pattern, with blue for observed and red for missing.

The VIM function matrixplot creates a matrix plot in which all cells of a data matrix are visualized by rectangles. Available data is coded according to a continuous color scheme (gray scale), while missing/imputed data is visualized by a clearly distinguishable color (red). If you use Rstudio the plot is not interactive (there are the warnings), but if you use R directly, you can click on a column of your choice: the rows are sorted (decreasing order) of the values of this column. This is useful to check if there is an association between the value of a variable and the missingness of another one.

matrixplot(don, sortby = 2)

## Click in a column to sort by the corresponding variable.
## To regain use of the VIM GUI and the R console, click outside the plot region.
#Here the variable selected is variable 2. 

Q2 Do you observe any associations between the missing entries ? When values are missing on a variable does it correspond to small or large values on another one ?

We observe that the temperature variables T9, T12 and T15 tend to be missing together (probably indicating that thermometers failed) [as well as the Ne9, Ne12 and Ne15 variables.] We see more “red” values. We do not see more black or white values which should imply that when T9 is missing it would have corresponded to high or low values in another variable which should suggest MAR missing values for instance. Here everything points to MCAR values.

The VIM function marginplot creates a scatterplot with additional information on the missing values. If you plot the variables (x,y), the points with no missing values are represented as in a standard scatterplot. The points for which x (resp. y) is missing are represented in red along the y (resp. x) axis. In addition, boxplots of the x and y variables are represented along the axes with and without missing values (in red all variables x where y is missing, in blue all variables x where y is observed).


We can see that the distribution of T9 is the same when maxO3 is oberved and when maxO3 is missing. If the two boxplots (red and blue) would have been very different it would imply that when maxO3 is missing the values of T9 can be very high or very low which lead to suspect the MAR hypothesis.

R1 Create a categorical dataset with “o” when the value of the cell is observed and “m” when it is missing, and with the same row and column names as in the original data. Then, you can perform Multiple Correspondence Analysis with the MCA function of the FactoMineR package.


MCA can be seen as the counterpart of PCA for categorical data and here is used to study associations between missing and observed entries. MCA is a straightforwardly tool to visualise the missing data pattern even if the number of variable is large. It shows if missing values simultaneously occur in several variables or if missing values occur when some other variables are observed

data_miss <- data.frame(
data_miss <- apply(X=data_miss, FUN=function(x) if(x) "m" else "o", MARGIN=c(1,2))
res.mca <- MCA(data_miss, graph = F)
plot(res.mca, invis = "ind", title = "MCA graph of the categories", cex  = 0.5)

PCA with missing values

Then, before modeling the data, we perform a PCA with missing values to explore the correlation between variables. Use the R package missMDA dedicated to perform principal components methods with missing values and to impute data with PC methods.

  • Perform PCA with missing values using the imputePCA functions, with the number of components determined by the estim_ncpPCA. Then plot the variables circle.

The package missMDA allows the use of principal component methods for an incomplete data set. To achieve this goal in the case of PCA, the missing values are predicted using the iterative PCA algorithm for a predefined number of dimensions. Then, PCA is performed on the imputed data set. The single imputation step requires tuning the number of dimensions used to impute the data.

nb <- estim_ncpPCA(don, = "Kfold", verbose = FALSE) # estimate the number of components from incomplete data
#(available methods include GCV to approximate CV)
nb$ncp #2
## [1] 2
plot(0:5, nb$criterion, xlab = "nb dim", ylab = "MSEP")

res.comp <- imputePCA(don, ncp = nb$ncp) # iterativePCA algorithm
res.comp$completeObs[1:3,] # the imputed data set
##          maxO3      T9      T12      T15 Ne9     Ne12     Ne15     Vx9
## 20010601    87 15.6000 18.50000 20.47146   4 4.000000 8.000000  0.6946
## 20010602    82 18.5047 20.86986 21.79932   5 5.000000 7.000000 -4.3301
## 20010603    92 15.3000 17.60000 19.50000   2 3.984066 3.812104  2.9544
##               Vx12    Vx15 maxO3v
## 20010601 -1.710100 -0.6946     84
## 20010602 -4.000000 -3.0000     87
## 20010603  1.950563  0.5209     82
imp <-$completeObs,WindDirection)

res.pca <- PCA(imp, quanti.sup = 1, quali.sup = 12, ncp = nb$ncp, graph=FALSE)
plot(res.pca, hab=12, lab="quali");

plot(res.pca, choix="var")

head(res.pca$ind$coord) #scores (principal components)
##               Dim.1      Dim.2
## 20010601 -0.6604580 -1.2048271
## 20010602 -1.2317545  1.0465411
## 20010603  0.7984643 -2.7299508
## 20010604  2.5423205 -1.7435774
## 20010605 -0.4047517  0.8406578
## 20010606 -2.6701824  1.6934864

The incomplete data set can be imputed using the function imputePCA performing the iterative PCA algorithm, specifying the number of dimensions through the argument ncp=2. At convergence the algorithm provides both an estimation of the scores and loadings as well as a completed data set. The imputePCA function outputs the imputed data set. The completed data set is in the object completeObs. The imputePCA function also outputs the fitted matrix \(\hat X\) in the object fitted.

Q3 Could you guess how cross-validation is performed to select the number of components?

The cross-validation is performed with the Kfold methodFor the Kfold. A percentage pNA of missing values is inserted and predicted with a PCA model using ncp.min to ncp.max dimensions. This process is repeated nbsim times. The number of components which leads to the smallest MSEP (Mean Standard Error of Prediction) is retained.

Through the argument, the function estim_ncpPCA proposes several cross-validation procedures to choose this number. The default method is the generalised cross-validation method (“gcv”). It consists in searching the number of dimensions which minimises the generalised cross-validation criterion, which can be seen as an approximation of the leave-one-out cross-validation criterion. The procedure is very fast, because it does not require adding explicitly missing values and predicting them for each cell of the data set. However, the number of dimensions minimising the criterion can sometimes be unobvious when several local minimum occur. In such a case, more computationally intensive methods, those performing explicit cross-validation, can be used, such as Kfold (“Kfold”) or leave-one-out (“loo”).

The Kfold cross-validation suggests to retain 2 dimensions for the imputation of the data set.

Multiple imputation

Generate multiple data sets

We perform multiple imputation either assuming 1) Joint Modeling (one joint probabilistic model for the variables all together) - We use the R package Amelia, which is by default consider Gaussian distribution 2) Condional Modeling (one model per variable) approach - We use the R package mice which by default consider one model of linear regression per variable 3) a PCA based model - We use the R package missMDA

For each approach we generate 100 imputed data sets.

res.amelia <- amelia(don, m = 5)  
## -- Imputation 1 --
##   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
##  21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
##  41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
##  61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78
## -- Imputation 2 --
##   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
##  21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
##  41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55
## -- Imputation 3 --
##   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
##  21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
##  41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
##  61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80
##  81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100
##  101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120
##  121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140
##  141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150
## -- Imputation 4 --
##   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
##  21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
##  41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
##  61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76
## -- Imputation 5 --
##   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
##  21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
##  41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
##  61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80
##  81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100
##  101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120
##  121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140
##  141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160
##  161 162 163
#res.amelia$imputations$imp1# the first imputed data set
imp.mice <- mice(don, m = 100, defaultMethod = "norm.boot") # the variability of the parameters is obtained 
  1. Now generate 100 imputed data sets with the MIPCA method and 2 components. Store the result in a variable called res.MIPCA.
res.MIPCA <- MIPCA(don, ncp = 2, nboot = 100) # MI with PCA using 2 dimensions 

The function MIPCA gives as output the data set imputed by the iterative PCA algorithm (in res.imputePCA) and the other data sets generated by the MIPCA algorithm (in res.MI). The number of data sets generated by this algorithm is controlled by the nboot argument, equal to 100 by default. The other arguments of this function are the same as those for the imputePCA function.

Inspect the imputed values

Exploratory analysis is very important and even at this stage of the analysis.

We will inspect the imputed values created to know if the imputation method should require more investigation or if we can continue and analyze the data. A common practice consists in comparing the distribution of the imputed values and of the observed values. Check the compare.density function.

compare.density(res.amelia, var = "T12")

Q Do both distributions need to be close? Could the missing values differ from the observed ones both in spread and in location?

Note that a difference between these distributions does not mean that the model is unsuitable. Indeed, when the missing data mechanism is not MCAR, it could make sense to observe differences between the distribution of imputed values and the distribution of observed values. However, if differences occur, more investigations would be required to try to explain them.

The quality of imputation can also be assessed with cross-validation using the overimpute function. Each observed value is deleted and for each one 100 values are predicted (using the same MI method) and the mean and 90% confidence intervals are computed for these 100 values. Then, we inspect whether the observed value falls within the obtained interval. On the graph, the y=x line is plotted (where the imputations should fall if they were perfect), as well as the mean (dots) and intervals (lines) for each value. Around ninety percent of these confidence intervals should contain the y = x line, which means that the true observed value falls within this range. The color of the line (as coded in the legend) represents the fraction of missing observations in the pattern of missingness for that observation (ex: blue=0-2 missing entries).

overimpute(res.amelia, var = "maxO3")

  • Comment the quality of the imputation.

We can also examine the variability by projecting as supplementary tables the imputed data sets on the PCA configuration (plot the results of MI with PCA).

plot(res.MIPCA,choice= "ind.supp")

plot(res.MIPCA,choice= "var")

The plots represent the projection of the individuals (top) and variables (bottom) of each imputed data set as supplementary elements onto the reference configuration obtained with the iterative PCA algorithm. For the individuals, a confidence area is constructed for each, and if one has no missing entries, its confidence area is restricted to a point. All the plots show that the variability across different imputations is small and a user can interpret the PCA results with confidence.

Perform regression

MI aims to apply a statistical method on an incomplete data set. We now apply a regression model on each imputed data set of the amelia method and MIPCA methods.

resamelia <- lapply(res.amelia$imputations,
# A regression on each imputed dataset
fitamelia<-lapply(resamelia, lm, 
                  formula="maxO3~ T9+T12+T15+Ne9+Ne12+Ne15+Vx9+Vx12+Vx15+maxO3v")  
# fitamelia <- lapply(resamelia, with, 
#                     lm(maxO3 ~ T9+T12+T15+Ne9+Ne12+Ne15+Vx9+Vx12+Vx15+maxO3v))
imp.mice <- mice(don, m=100,defaultMethod="norm.boot") # the variability of the parameters is obtained 
lm.mice.out <- with(imp.mice, lm(maxO3 ~ T9+T12+T15+Ne9+Ne12+Ne15+Vx9+Vx12+Vx15+maxO3v))
res.MIPCA <- lapply(res.MIPCA$res.MI,
fitMIPCA<-lapply(res.MIPCA,lm, formula="maxO3~T9+T12+T15+Ne9+Ne12+Ne15+Vx9+Vx12+Vx15+maxO3v")
  • Aggregate the results of Regression with Multiple Imputation according to Rubin’s rule for MI with amelia and with PCA with the pool function from the mice package
##                    est         se           t       df   Pr(>|t|)
## (Intercept)  1.2967211 47.7189035  0.02717416 2.291917 0.98050540
## T9          -3.4816239  9.0823339 -0.38334023 1.332799 0.75364562
## T12          8.2938004  6.4052436  1.29484543 1.981350 0.32573776
## T15         -2.0491882  2.7103986 -0.75604679 3.359014 0.49914252
## Ne9         -4.7502763  1.9105804 -2.48630012 3.964180 0.06831647
## Ne12         4.0891969  6.0883850  0.67163902 2.316358 0.56259768
## Ne15        -3.4427456  3.6138362 -0.95265680 3.014175 0.41074569
## Vx9         -2.7109677  6.4367322 -0.42117143 1.369208 0.73022368
## Vx12         3.2499194  3.8828048  0.83700303 2.783555 0.46834239
## Vx15        -1.1424535  1.7734345 -0.64420393 4.607524 0.55012776
## maxO3v       0.4597928  0.3001937  1.53165368 2.199070 0.25426826
##                    lo 95       hi 95 nmis       fmi    lambda
## (Intercept) -180.8889745 183.4824166   NA 0.9700671 0.9518813
## T9           -68.8408095  61.8775616   NA 0.9893447 0.9802094
## T12          -19.5158311  36.1034319   NA 0.9778572 0.9630029
## T15          -10.1760810   6.0777046   NA 0.9286767 0.8959521
## Ne9          -10.0738549   0.5733024   NA 0.8965483 0.8548690
## Ne12         -18.9602231  27.1386169   NA 0.9693788 0.9509120
## Ne15         -14.9130488   8.0275576   NA 0.9445721 0.9169561
## Vx9          -47.0687993  41.6468638   NA 0.9888405 0.9794201
## Vx12          -9.6686601  16.1684989   NA 0.9538970 0.9295268
## Vx15          -5.8205238   3.5356168   NA 0.8598203 0.8098233
## maxO3v        -0.7260121   1.6455978   NA 0.9725782 0.9554346
##                    est          se          t       df    Pr(>|t|)
## (Intercept) 12.0139412 18.52351188  0.6485779 61.59027 0.519022205
## T9           1.0906067  1.25093726  0.8718317 50.63007 0.387415853
## T12          1.6409326  0.98456860  1.6666514 58.14971 0.100961873
## T15          0.7125345  0.92587062  0.7695832 50.65107 0.445121411
## Ne9         -1.2333654  1.10536835 -1.1157959 66.34800 0.268534505
## Ne12        -1.5098382  1.63165356 -0.9253424 46.12283 0.359604288
## Ne15         0.2541235  1.18787207  0.2139317 59.49925 0.831331731
## Vx9          0.7513106  1.09329358  0.6871993 64.59788 0.494416995
## Vx12         1.0794458  1.22299952  0.8826216 60.45067 0.380937177
## Vx15         0.3236662  1.22141216  0.2649934 55.64118 0.791993774
## maxO3v       0.2542852  0.08687859  2.9269035 77.03304 0.004498089
##                    lo 95      hi 95 nmis       fmi    lambda
## (Intercept) -25.01893199 49.0468145   NA 0.3530306 0.3323575
## T9           -1.42120021  3.6024137   NA 0.4554088 0.4343129
## T12          -0.32978757  3.6116527   NA 0.3843762 0.3635604
## T15          -1.14653926  2.5716083   NA 0.4552049 0.4341097
## Ne9          -3.44008849  0.9733577   NA 0.3106287 0.2901568
## Ne12         -4.79395049  1.7742740   NA 0.4999502 0.4787270
## Ne15         -2.12238576  2.6306328   NA 0.3720045 0.3512441
## Vx9          -1.43240517  2.9350263   NA 0.3261137 0.3055677
## Vx12         -1.36654240  3.5254340   NA 0.3633430 0.3426221
## Vx15         -2.12346461  2.7707970   NA 0.4076584 0.3867428
## maxO3v        0.08128906  0.4272814   NA 0.2179428 0.1978985
#pool.mice <- pool(lm.mice.out)
  • Write a function that removes the variables with the largest pvalues step by step (each time a variable is removed the regression model is performed again) until all variables are significant.
don2 <- don
reg <- lm(maxO3 ~. , data = don2)
while(any(summary(reg)$coeff[-1, 4]>0.05)){
  don2 <- don2[,!(colnames(don2)%in%names(which.max(summary(reg)$coeff[-1, 4])))]
  reg <- lm(maxO3 ~. , data = don2)

We combine the results and performed the regression with missing values

# Submodel to compare
fitMIPCA<-lapply(res.MIPCA,lm, formula="maxO3~ T12+Ne9+Vx12+maxO3v")
##                    est          se          t       df     Pr(>|t|)
## (Intercept) 10.3527704 14.05117837  0.7367902 68.20607 4.637768e-01
## T12          2.9418851  0.60586289  4.8556945 71.05469 6.897628e-06
## Ne9         -1.9236770  1.01793403 -1.8897855 68.37455 6.302666e-02
## Vx12         1.8474080  0.74518463  2.4791278 70.65831 1.555880e-02
## maxO3v       0.3294905  0.08035748  4.1003087 79.80010 9.862783e-05
##                   lo 95      hi 95 nmis       fmi    lambda
## (Intercept) -17.6843857 38.3899265   NA 0.3254811 0.3059881
## T12           1.7338450  4.1499253   NA 0.3019111 0.2825344
## Ne9          -3.9547313  0.1073773   NA 0.3240788 0.3045927
## Vx12          0.3614275  3.3333884   NA 0.3051739 0.2857812
## maxO3v        0.1695678  0.4894131   NA 0.2309122 0.2118753
#lm.mice.out <- with(imp.mice, lm(maxO3 ~ T12+Ne9+Vx12+maxO3v))
#pool.mice <- pool(lm.mice.out)
fitamelia<-lapply(resamelia,lm, formula="maxO3~ T12+Ne9+Vx12+maxO3v")
##                    est         se         t        df     Pr(>|t|)
## (Intercept) 16.1861693 9.17614482  1.763940 73.270679 8.191046e-02
## T12          3.0604401 0.46579504  6.570358 35.020664 1.375614e-07
## Ne9         -3.8459887 0.97459756 -3.946233  9.212779 3.222745e-03
## Vx12         1.0204257 0.65245773  1.563972 21.769876 1.322453e-01
## maxO3v       0.3346974 0.06964355  4.805864 25.759979 5.735396e-05
##                  lo 95      hi 95 nmis       fmi    lambda
## (Intercept) -2.1007229 34.4730614   NA 0.1322825 0.1089161
## T12          2.1148458  4.0060343   NA 0.2910342 0.2516699
## Ne9         -6.0429439 -1.6490335   NA 0.6530857 0.5851484
## Vx12        -0.3335186  2.3743700   NA 0.4055659 0.3533535
## maxO3v       0.1914781  0.4779167   NA 0.3632500 0.3156602

Ecological example

Ecolo <- read.csv("ecological.csv", header = TRUE, sep=";",dec=",")
## Delete species with only missing values for contiuous variables
ind <- which(rowSums([,-1])) == 6)
biome <- Ecolo[-ind,1]    ### Keep a categorical variable
Ecolo <- Ecolo[-ind,-1]   ### Select continuous variables
## [1] 2494    6
## proportion of missing values
sum(*ncol(Ecolo)) # 55% of missing values
## [1] 0.5338145
## Delete species with missing values
dim(na.omit(Ecolo)) # only 72 remaining species!
## [1] 72  6
# Visualize the pattern

##  Variables sorted by number of missings: 
##  Variable      Count
##     Rmass 0.89013633
##        LL 0.69967923
##     Pmass 0.69847634
##     Amass 0.69125902
##     Nmass 0.17361668
##       LMA 0.04971933
res <- summary(aggr(Ecolo,prop=TRUE,combined=TRUE))$combinations


mis.ind <- matrix("o",nrow=nrow(Ecolo),ncol=ncol(Ecolo))
mis.ind[] <- "m"
dimnames(mis.ind) <- dimnames(Ecolo)
resMCA <- MCA(mis.ind)

plot(resMCA,invis="ind",title="MCA graph of the categories")

### Impute the incomplete data set
### nb <- estim_ncpPCA(Ecolo,"Kfold",nbsim=100) ### Time consuming!
res.comp <- imputePCA(Ecolo,ncp=2)

#Perform a PCA on the completed data set
imp <-$completeObs,biome)
res.pca <- PCA(imp,quali.sup=7,graph=FALSE)
plot(res.pca, hab=7, lab="quali")

plot(res.pca, hab=7, lab="quali",invisible="ind")

plot(res.pca, choix="var")

Categorical/mixed/multi-block data with missing values